Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Field Trip to the Rice Fields

August, 2011
Over the past few weeks the students of Goldstone have been able to enjoy a break from school. However, some students are still taking this time to take advantage of the staff by continuing to study a few subjects so they do not fall behind.
            Besides the students spending their break to either study or visit family in the province, they have also had the opportunity to visit a rice farm. Last week, some of the students and staff spent the day knee high in mud and hunched over learning firsthand from the local farmers the importance of rice farming to Cambodia’s economy.  Personally, this experience gave me an opportunity to connect with the staff and the students on a deeper level. Some of the staff shared their experience as children planting rice during the time of the Khmer Rouge. Also, a student shared that he would plant rice with his parents when he was very young, before he had an opportunity to go to school. Overall, it was a very enriching experience and a great memory.
            This break has also given me, not only the time to plan and organize for the upcoming school year; it has also provided an opportunity to implement ideas to improve the school. Currently, some of the staff, as well as some Hope volunteers are working on a beautification project for the month of September. We plan to use a few Saturdays to work on organizing, in addition to, painting the school. Also, the students of the journalism club are working hard on the next Newspaper, which should be done be the first day of school.
Thank you again for all of your support.
Tiffany Poole
ESL Instructor
Goldstone Academy of Hope Worldwide
Mobile # 089825104

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